Gift guide for autistic tween girls
Last week Miss B turned 12...shocking! Even though she's not far off my height now I still can't get over the fact she's growing up so...
My life, loves, my three autistic children, my stepson, music, food and geekery
I'm Lauren from Birmingham, UK. I live with my partner Paul and between us we have four children. Three of those children are on the Autism Spectrum and it's a major element of our lives. Alongside being a parent carer I also run a charity for disabled children called Square Peg Activities Ltd.
I enjoy music, American TV, cocktails, pretty much all food, wearing black and am a big leftie!
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We're currently watching The Marvellous Mrs Maisel on Amazon Prime, definitely not one for the kids but it is hilariously funny.
We're always watching The Big Bang Theory...over and over and over especially as L love it too so he sticks it on at every opportunity.
L and I recently went to watch Dungeons and Dragons which was a great epic fight type of film. L enjoyed it but said their wen't enough dragon in it...fair point.